1st day
Yes...I attended a settling sessions (2x 2hrs) at nursery Lancaster University before I officially start my first day at school (next week). Mummy decided to send me to the nursery because she's running out of time for her PhD. Auntie Nita (my previous carer)? Oh...temporarily she was retired. May be mummy will send an appeal letter to Auntie Nita after Ramadhan and plead her to continue the contract. hehehe..but seems like she's so busy with her carrier now. yep...she works at Lancaster Hotel. Mak Cu? ohhh..she can't afford the flight ticket yet.
Any volunteer out there?
During this term, I'll attend 3 sessions (Tues, Wed and Thurs-half day in the afternoon). It's cost GBP16.18 (if not mistaken) per session. Irfan's 2nd mum is Georgina. She will take care and record Irfan's progress.
First day, mummy and papa accompanied me to the class and stayed for an hour. The first 20min (after they left), I was happy. Georgina bring me to play outside. After that, I was crying and they called mummy because they can't settled me down. Mummy forgot to tell them that I'm not having my lunch yet! Ends up, mummy and papa stayed in the class until tea time. Most of the children in my class, they can feed themselves even some of them are younger (or same age) than me.
Tomorrow, I hope is better than today!

waiting area

that's Lucas the handsome boy


2nd day
Is today better than yesterday?
When I arrived, everybody was sleeping. I played a toys with Georgina. I cried when she left me.
I already get used and recognised her. ohhh..pity of her because she had to cuddle me most of her time. She told mummy that she was paid for doing that. It makes mummy not felt guilty for leaving me at the nursery. Start from next week, I'll attend a full session means that I'll stay at nursery from 1.15-5.30pm! I'm sure, Georgina will feel tired on that day.